Saturday, June 2, 2012

In Fact

FACT: I'm turning 25 in 2 weeks. Quarter-life crisis here we come.

FACT: I'm a liberal with a slight lean towards libertarianism.

FACT: I'm not entirely sure what it means to be a libertarian. I only know that in every political quiz I've ever taken, those are the results I get.

FACT: In my spare time I take political quizzes online. I've also taken one or two typing quizzes just for funsies. The most recent one I took was here. Tell me what your results are!

I just took it again and the results were...liberal. Why was I a libertarian before? What has changed? The world will never know...

FACT: I'm hungry.

FACT: I heart Pepsi. And Dr Pepper. Hondo blames me for his love of pop now too.

FACT: I call soda pop "pop." Probably because my mom does?

FACT: I have only been to 14 states.

FACT: I've never been out of the country (but that will soon change.)

FACT: My favorite book I read in high school was Heart of Darkness. My favorite books I read in college were Atonement and Possession.

Ok now I'm thinking about it and I loved a lot of books in college. I just remember like 3 more that I want to add to the list. But I will refrain since I didn't think of them first.

FACT: I love reading. I love talking about books. I love sharing books I've loved with other people and hearing about how much they loved them too.

FACT: I'm genuinely afraid of a zombie apocalype.

FACT: When I'm stressed or bored I tear my nails apart. I don't bite them, I literally tear them apart with my other nails. That's why I try to keep my nails manicured nicely...I don't do it when they look all pretty and painted.(At least not as much)

FACT: I love Paris. I've never been, but if there was one place in the world I could go right now (or ever) it would be Paris.

FACT: I never saw the ocean until I was 17 years old. And even though it's frightening, it's mostly awesome and I love going to the beach.

FACT: I believe the top 5 scariest animals, in order, are 1. Mountain Lions, 2. Sharks,
 3. Whales (why are they so big?!) 4. Bugs/Insects (any and all.) 5. Space

Which is a whole different kind of animal, I know, but still terrifying. And awesome. Kind of like the ocean.

FACT:  Summer is my favorite season. I love all the seasons (at least at first...cough cough winter cough cough) but I love summer the most.

FACT: I have a great memory for really random movie quotes and songs. I'm one of those people who hears a word and a song pops in my head so I sing it, but even that is really only around people I'm extremely comfortable with.

FACT: I'm pretty bad at making good first impressions.  (like really bad. just ask my in-laws.)
When I'm in a group of people that I don't know well I shut down and sit there silently and am really awkward when anyone addresses me directly and therefore people don't usually like me at first. I'm working on it.

FACT: Every single time I had the opportunity to make a wish as a child, I wished for a puppy.

I never got one. I couldn't keep my room clean.

There you go. 20 facts about me.


  1. "When I'm in a group of people that I don't know well I shut down and sit there silently and am really awkward when anyone addresses me directly and therefore people don't usually like me at first. I'm working on it."

    Believe it or not...I do the same. I have to really "flip the switch" and turn on the personality side. Most people don't know that I'm not comfortable being the center of attention, but I'm really good at it when I want to be. :)

  2. I love you. 'Nuff said.

  3. Love it! I made it a point not to read yours until I'm done with my own (and won't for all of them in order not to skew my own answers) so I laughed when I read the Pepsi/Dr. Pepper one. Samesies.
