Thursday, May 29, 2014

If I Could Turn Back Time

Sometimes I wish I could go back in time and share sage bits of wisdom with myself as a kid. Just to let kid-me know that being  kid is awesome and I/she/we should relish it. Or just for fun to see what kid-me was like from a grown-up perspective.

Some useful advice for Lisa, from Lisa of THE FUTURE:

Bedtimes are good for you.

You will never be a morning person, just accept it and move on.

Your friend who said she likes to eat raw butter was lying. No one likes that.

Even though you think having 3 purple "Pied Piper" shirts and wearing a different one every day means you're wearing a different shirt every day, to the rest of the world you are just wearing the same shirt. every. single. day.

Don't try to lie to your parents. You are the worst liar in the world (along with Jen and Holly) and they always know the truth. (To this day I don't know how they know, they just do!)

Swearing does not make you as rebellious as you think it does. (I'm not encouraging children swearing, just in case that's what you thought was happening here.)

When Adam gives you a bite of his food and says, "Try it, it's a Chinese vegetable." It is definitely NOT a Chinese vegetable. Also, your mom sitting there watching it happen will not warn you because she thinks it's funny.

Try a mango. It's a fruit.

Use your wishes on something other than a puppy. Maybe that way they'll come true.

Sleepovers are overrated.

Participate in some extracurricular activities.

The ocean is just as scary and awesome as you always imagined.

Don't stress about not being able to roller skate. Running around in socks is almost as fun.

I'm lying, roller skating is way more fun. Stop being such a scaredy cat.

Practice your aim. A lot of problems could be avoided if you can have better aim.

Staying up all night to read is usually worth it. Staying up all night to watch TV rarely is.

When you are sitting in the tree in the front yard singing at the top of your lungs, people can hear you. 

If a tree falls in the rainforest, a bug does NOT die in Europe.

Some Democrats do drive minivans.

Semis will get in your lane a lot. Just wait for them to move over, they will.

Buckle your seatbelt.

A great way to get out of school is to get hit by a car. (Just kidding.) (Kind of.)

Kelli will get less annoying as you both get older. So just let her hug you already.

Go get 'em, Lisa.

(PS I just watched a man outside my window try to get in the wrong car. He realized after several unsuccessful attempts that his car was the silver car next to the one he was trying to enter. I'm dying laughing at this man and he will never know it.)

1 comment:

  1. I would think by now that you are beginning to figure out how parents are clued in to misleading statements and untruths. A very humorous post, Thanks for sharing.
