Friday, July 15, 2016

All the Places I've Lived (and my fav so far)

This post comes at an interesting time for me, as we are in the process of buying our first house. A house for the Guzman/Mahan family. So I'm about to move! My favorite thing. (Heavy sarcasm implied)

I grew up in a small house in Broomfield, which I never thought of as that small but as an adult have realized how tiny that house was. I lived there my entire life until I left for college, which is rare for most people and especially renters. I loved the house for the home and family it was, and I visit it often in my dreams. 

Freshman year at BYU, I moved in to the dorms with 5 other girls. I went to school full-time and worked full-time, a necessity for me all through college. The dorms were fun but I'd never go back.

My first summer back in Broomfield after college was the summer my parents moved to Montrose. That summer Jen, Stef, Holly, and I lived in that tiny house while all working for the city of Broomfield. We had a blast and I credit this time for allowing me to get to know several of my siblings significant others really well, which I appreciated even more as they married. 

Sophomore year was spent in a crappy apartment south of campus with 3 of the same roommates, which was good and bad. Some epic roommate fights happened in that apartment. Drama for real.

Summer was again in the Broomfield house, this time just Jen and I. Good times were had by all.

Junior year Holly and I decided to live together again in a tiny crappy house (we nicknamed "The Peach House") with some unknown roommates who were nice but odd. We actively avoided going home and I would often just sit outside in my car. That's how bad it was.

Summer lead me back to Broomfield with nowhere to live, and I spent the first few weeks crashing on couches and living out of my car until my amazing boss Dawn and her husband Paul offered me their spare room. I actually loved living with them, they were amazing and nice to me and let me use their DVR and pool all summer. I got real good at parallel parking in that place. The summer was hard because Jen and I were both suffering from broken hearts, but we rallied for each other and got through it.

Senior year I moved in with the newly married Glems. Holly got me a job down the street from the apartment at Pinnacle Security, which carried over for several years. The newlyweds were fun to live with, plus Jeff came halfway through and we became close in a brother/sister who fight all the time kind of way. 

My last summer in Broomfield was next, living in Jen's vacant town home with my new puppy Viva. It was a good summer, full of dumb decisions of thankfully no lasting effect. 

My return to Orem put me back on another couch, jobless. Luckily I got rehired at my old job and found an apartment in the same complex as Holly. This was the year Eric had cancer, so I was grateful I ended up close by to help Holly in any way I could. January of 2010 was when I met Hondo and we started dating later that year. 

I lived with Holly and Eric one more time before getting married in Feb 2011, and Hondo and I moved into the condo we are still in 2 weeks later. 5.5 years in one place after all that bouncing around has been nice, but we are very ready and excited for our new house!

My fav living place is for sure Broomfield. But my favorite home is this new one I'm building with my own family. I'm so excited for my girls to have a house and a yard. I will miss this condo for the memories made, but I am ready to move.


  1. Wow. There are a lot of teasers here to stories that I never heard. But I'm excited for you to build your family life in a new home! Yay!

  2. Wow. There are a lot of teasers here to stories that I never heard. But I'm excited for you to build your family life in a new home! Yay!

  3. Why does Mom's comment always post twice? And as old as this makes me sound, I will always treasure the time when you and Jeff lived with Eric and me. And I think I know most of the stories that Mom doesn't! Haha.
