Sunday, June 19, 2016

Someone I Admire

I'm overthinking this already and it's only day 1 of what is supposed to be a fun blog challenge with my family. I think I just am having a hard time pinning down one person who I admire most, because I admire so many that to focus on one is difficult. Instead, I am focusing on a trait that I admire in many people I know, and that is to show up.

I (along with most of my sisters) am a classic loyal friend, almost to a fault. I have been hurt before by expecting the same loyalty from people who are not loyal in the same way, or not in ways I think to expect. But this is one thing that if you do it, we'll be friends for life. 

I don't know when showing up for your friends became harder...maybe after college when we all stopped living together? After high school? Who can say for sure, but to me the most basic aspect of friendship is to show up.

 Has it been months since you've spoken? Show up anyway. There is not a baby or bridal shower on earth, no birthday party or wedding, no BBQ or coffee date that is not going to be worth it. (And I hate bridal and baby showers!) 

It took me a long time to learn this, and I'm not perfect at it. I can be flaky. But seriously, the thing I find consistently in friends and family that I admire is that they show up. For anything and everything. Til death do us part.

Thanks, friends, who taught me this lesson and who have showed up in my life.


  1. I love this. Way to think outside the box.

  2. I love it, too. We've had this conversation many a time, but it has become so important to me as I've grown up, and an important part of who I am. Cheers to the friends that show up!
