Thursday, April 19, 2012

Timp 5k!!!

Yeah, that's right. Holly, Hondo and I ran a 5k. WHOOOOOHOOOO!!!

Ok, you may not think that is that big of a deal. But for Holly and I particularly (I can't speak for Hondo in this area), running is not our forte. In fact, we are bad at it. We are slow. We love/hate it, but mostly hate. But after Holly wrote this post about being prepared for the apocalype, Zombie or otherwise, I was inspired to exercise.

It may be a bit ridiculous to some that the threat of Zombies is what inspired me. To those people I say, have you ever seen any zombie movie/tv show/likeness EVER?!  Because if that sh^^ didn't scare the aforementioned non-swear word out of you, I think you're ridiculous. Zombies are scary. So is the apocalypse (in an "end-of-the-world people eating other people and burning in the streets" kind of apocalype sense.)

It went...ok. Not the best 5k I've ever run, not my worst. It didn't help that my allergies attacked me a few days before so I was running/coughing the whole time. But that's just an excuse. I know I can do better.

It was Hondo's 1st one ever and we barely saw him because he's faster than us, but good job babe!!!

Holly told me that today Eric complimented our tenacity by pointing out that most people who aren't good at something and also hate that thing don't keep trying. But we do. We keep going, and we'll never win the race but we'll run it.

Note* after you read the post on Holly's blog about Zombies, you should read the rest of her blog if you haven't already. She's an amazing writer.*

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